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When you become an Alabama Forestry Association member, you’ll gain a strong voice advocating for you on the issues that matter. We’ll help you protect your interests, grow your business and connect with others in the forest industry.

This membership category includes wholesale/retail lumber businesses, specialty services, forestry equipment and supplies vendors, individual foresters as well as forestry employees, students and educators.   

Join Us

Why join?

  • When you join the Alabama Forestry Association, you connect with more than 7,000 other
    members of Alabama’s forestry community to protect your values and your rights. You will learn
    about the issues that matter to you, grow your business and network across the forestry

Your membership helps AFA:

  • Educate the public about the forest industry.

  • Promote the use of Alabama forest products and sustainable forest management.

  • Fight regulatory abuse and reduce landowner liability.

  • Improve roads and bridges.

  • Provide logger education and training.

Current Members

  • We’re thankful for your ongoing support and hope you’ll renew your membership to continue taking advantage of the many benefits available to you.

Member Resources

Member Benefits

Quarterly Alabama Forests magazine and weekly newsletters Alerts about issues impacting your business and land ownership Discounts on all online continuing education courses Access to educational and networking events across the state