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About Us

Who We Are

  • Our story began in 1949 when the Alabama Forestry Association was formed to represent
    Alabama’s sawmills. It soon expanded to include members from the stump all the way to the mill.

    Today, AFA membership includes forest products manufacturers, landowners, loggers, wood
    suppliers, foresters and others with a stake in Alabama’s forest economy.

What We Do

  1. Advocacy – advocate for our members at the federal, state, and local level

  2. Political – recruit, fund, and support conservative candidates for public office

  3. Grassroots – build and inform active networks across the forestry community

  4. Legal – pursue judicial remedies to protect landowner rights

  5. Promotion – educate the public about the benefits of Alabama’s forests and forest industry

Our Mission

To maintain a favorable political, regulatory and legal environment for members to manage their forestry operations profitably and sustainably.

Our Vision

To represent our members as the Voice of Forestry in Alabama in national, state and local affairs and to support sustainable forestry practices and programs.