Formed in 1949, the Alabama Forestry Association (AFA) is a membership organization comprised of forest products companies, loggers, landowners, suppliers, foresters and others with a stake in Alabama’s forest economy.
What we do:
Protect members’ interests at the national, state and local levels
Promote sustainable forestry practices and programs across the state
Educate the public about the benefits of Alabama’s forests and forest industry
This membership category includes wholesale/retail lumber businesses, specialty services, forestry equipment and supplies vendors, individual foresters as well as forestry employees, students and educators.
This membership category includes banks, various types of businesses (equipment dealers, oil, insurance, etc.) and individuals such as accountants, attorneys and real estate agents. Rates are based on assets and annual sales.
This membership category includes forestry consultant companies as well as individuals. Rates for companies are based on the number of employees.
This membership category includes trucking and logging companies as well as their employees. Rates for companies are based on annual production and truck amounts.
This membership category includes sawmills, engineered wood products mills, pole/piling mills, biomass facilities, chip mills, treating plants and specialty manufacturing. Rates are based on annual production amounts.
This membership category is for landowners. Rates are based on total acres owned in Alabama.
This membership category includes wood suppliers and dealers. Rates are based on annual production amounts in tons.